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Association of Museums of Khabarovsk Krai (AMKhK)

The non-profit organization "Association of Museums of Khabarovsk Krai". (AMKhK), was founded in April 2019 (AMKhK was founded by the N.I. Grodekov Khabarovsk Krai Museum and the Fine Arts Museum of Komsomolsk-on-Amur). Komsomolsk-on-Amur; registered with the Ministry of Justice on 14.11.2019).

President - N.A. Markova (Deputy Director General of Khabarovsk Krai Museum named after N.I. Grodekov). N.I. Grodekov);

L.V. Kovalyova (Director of the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Fine Arts Museum) is the Secretary of the AMHK and the Chairman of the AMHK Council; E.S. Veretennikova, O.M. Bozhedomova and Y.V. Belkin are the AMHK Council Members; D.V. Zemlyankin is the Chairman of the Control and Revision Commission of the AMHK.

Its main goals are: assistance in consolidation and coordination of activities of the Khabarovsk Krai museums, exchange of experience and expansion of professional connections, creation of a system of mutual information support. One of the important tasks of AMHC is development and implementation of joint socially important cultural, educational and exhibition projects with funds raised through participation in grant contests of various funds supporting nonprofit sector, as well as in contests for grants from the regional budget to SONCO of the Krai.

The Association has already united 17 museums from Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Amursk, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Sovetskaya Gavan, Vanino, Chegdomyn, Bikin, Vyazemsky, Urgal and other areas of our region. These are state district, city and town museums of local lore, one museum of fine arts, as well as two scientific and technical museums, private and departmental. Yes, they differ in status and have different capacities, but each keeps unique collections, has its own unique character, and the main thing in each work excellent specialists - museum workers. Combining resources - creative potential and attracted grant funds, AMKhK plans to implement joint exhibition and educational, inclusive and educational projects, which will provide maximum accessibility of historical and cultural heritage, kept in the museums of Khabarovsk region.

The projects, which are already in the plans, will rediscover the collections and will contribute in every way to the attractiveness of museums to residents of the region, will build a quality communication between the museum and the visitor, as well as strengthen the inter-museum connections.

Implemented AMHK projects: seminar for museum workers "Virtual local history", a visiting foresight session and a series of workshops "Virtual local history. North" orientation, the projects "Museum Tour" and "O! Far Eastern Expedition".

Shevchenko st., 11
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Mon: Day off
Tues-Whs: 10:00-18:00
Sanitation Day:
last Friday of the month
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