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Russian Military Historical Society

In the Khabarovsk region the regional branch of the All-Russian public state organization "Russian Military Historical Society" was created in 2013. 

Council of the Regional Branch of the RVIO - 7 people, the number of members of the regional branch - 78 people, including 20 people - employees of the Grodekovo Museum.

RVIO is a co-organizer and partner of many scientific and military-patriotic events and exhibition projects, including the military-historical festival "Volochayev Days", the international scientific conference "The Victory of Multinational People in World War II", the scientific conference "Grodekov Readings", exhibitions "Shkulin. Manchurian Operation," "The Third Front," etc.

With the support of the regional branch the following publications were published: collections of scientific articles of the series "Wars and military conflicts of the 20th century in the fate of the Far East residents", catalog of the Grodekovsky museum collection "Priamurie during World War I", catalog of the exhibition "Khabarovsk: everyday life of the Civil War and Intervention. 1918-1922 ", catalog of the exhibition" Shkulin. Manchuria operation", the monograph by Tsipkin Y. N., Yezhely U. V., Teselskaya I. P. "From the Pacific Ocean to Berlin and back: railwaymen of the Far East during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945".

Members of RWIO travel to search expeditions in Khabarovsk Krai and the Jewish Autonomous Region.

The regional branch pays much attention to the military-patriotic education of young people, not only by attracting the audience at military-historical festivals, but also through popular science lectures.

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Tues-Whs: 10:00-18:00
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last Friday of the month
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