Museum store
The museum store is located in the Main Building, in the lobby of the Amur Museum exhibit.
Mode of operation: Wednesday - Sunday from 10.00 to 17.45
Weekend: Monday through Tuesday
Sanitation Day: last Friday of the month
For more information about the store range, please call 8 (4212) 47-71-56
If you have any questions about cooperation/sales of goods in the museum store, please call +7 (4212) 47-71-59, Darya Olegovna Petrushkina.

Exhibition catalog "Gold!"
Exhibition catalog from the collections of the Moscow Kremlin Museums
1200 ₽

Large coloring book
"Grodekovo Museum."
"Grodekovo Museum."
Large coloring book "Grodekov Museum" by the authors of the project "Smart Coloring Book
845 ₽

Board game "Lotto Regional Studies. The Whole Khabarovsk Territory
Board game
429 ₽

Postcards from the "Otter Family" series
Postcards from the "Otter Family" series, Grodekovo Museum. Artist Anastasia Tychenko
120 ₽

Shawl "Legends of the peoples of the Amur" (blue)
Designer Nina Ruchkina, 100% silk
4000 ₽

Shawl "Amur Tiger.
Designer Nina Ruchkina, 30% viscose, 70% silk
2000 ₽

Glazed clay whistle
Author Tamara Godina
560 ₽

Protective mask.
Grodekovsky Museum.
Grodekovsky Museum.
Featuring a van and the logo of the Grodekovo Museum
200 ₽