Seminar for Museum Workers "Virtual Local History"

In the regional competitive selection in 2020 for subsidies from the regional budget to socially oriented non-profit organizations AMHK won its first grant for Organizing and conducting a seminar for museum workers, "Virtual Local History," September 8-9, 2020.

The two-day seminar "Virtual Local History" is a preparatory stage before the start of work on a large-scale regional project "Virtual Local History". In the future, the project will allow using virtual reality - multimedia content with virtual tours and excursions on a single modern digital platform on the Internet to increase the level of accessibility of municipal museums.

Due to the complex epidemiological situation in the region, the seminar was held online on the platform Zoom in two levels: the first - in the format of "round table"; the second - "intellectual laboratory".

Round table "Local history: reality and virtuality" allowed to discuss the current state of local history work in the Khabarovsk region. Museum workers, regional ethnographers and scientists voiced the problem of the low level of accessibility of local history resources, especially in remote municipal districts of the region.

Intellectual laboratory, where experts in development and promotion of websites, media products, 3D virtual tours and panoramas presented best practices and examples in their presentations demonstrated to museum workers how they can be used in the usual museum activities and for the Virtual Local Lore project in particular.

The seminar "Virtual Local History" was attended by 52 employees from 16 museums (due to problems with communication and the Internet could not join colleagues from the northern districts of the region Ayano-Maysky and Tuguro-Chumikansky). The result of the seminar was a draft "road map" describing what should be a digital resource - Virtual Local History.

Shevchenko st., 11
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Mon: Day off
Tues-Whs: 10:00-18:00
Sanitation Day:
last Friday of the month
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