Priamursky Historical and Pedigree Society
The Priamurye Historico-Rhodological Society (PIRS) was founded on February 2, 2007. On this day the first organizational meeting was held in Khabarovsk Krai Museum named after N.I. Grodekov. The Society aims to study the problems of Far Eastern and Russian genealogy, study the history of clans and families, mutual assistance in genealogical research, popularization and propaganda of genealogical knowledge and genealogy as a branch of historical science.
The founders and ideological inspirers of the creation of PIRO were the director of the Grodekovo Museum N.I. Ruban, journalist and publicist V.I. Remizovsky, journalist and writer V.V. Ivanov, local historian E.N. Gavrilenko, local historian and genealogist A.N. Kozhina.
The Organizing Committee developed a special brand logo for the organization, as well as adopted the Charter. According to the Charter, the Society is headed by the Board, elected at the General Meeting.
According to the established rules, current Society meetings are held once a month, with the exception of the summer season. It is a tradition to hold exhibitions of relics and items from the family collections of PIRO members during the meeting, timed to historical and holiday dates.
The Society's press organ is the annual publication "Vestnik of Priamursky Historical and Genealogical Society", which is published at the printing house and on the money of Grodekovsky Museum. Editorial board accepts for publication research and historical and pedigree works, including biographical sketches about the front-line soldiers of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 in the traditional column "The Great Victory is Dedicated". We also publish works by authors who are not representatives of PIRO, but who have expressed an interest to acquaint our readers with the fates of their ancestors and relatives.
We invite those who wish to become members of the Society. The contact person is Denis V. Zemlyankin, Methodologist of the Department of Scientific and Methodical Work (4212) 477-178,