Russian Historical Society
The branch of the Russian Historical Society* in Khabarovsk Krai, headed by I.V. Kryukov, General Director of the Grodekovo Museum, Candidate of Historical Sciences, is one of the youngest branches in our country.
The first meeting of the Chapter Council was held on March 27, 2019 at the Khabarovsk Krai Museum named after N. I. Grodekov. N.I. Grodekov. The main speakers were Konstantin Ilyich Mogilevsky, a member of the Presidium of the Russian Historical Society, Executive Director of the "History of the Fatherland" Foundation, and Nikolai Nikolaevich Kradin, Chairman of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Historical Society in Vladivostok, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of Peoples of the Far East FEB RAS.
Since the beginning of its work members of the RIO in Khabarovsk have implemented a number of unusual for the Far East historical and educational projects, which aroused the interest of both professional researchers and people who are far from the historical issues.
In 2019, the Khabarovsk branch of RIO implemented an exhibition project "Khabarovsk: Everyday Life of the Civil War and Intervention 1918-1922.". The project included an exhibition and catalog of the exhibition exhibited at the N.I. Grodekov Khabarovsk Krai Museum.

The exhibition included about a hundred photographs, including previously unexhibited images and first introduced into scientific circulation. In addition, there were rare documents: the metric book of the Innokentievskaya Church in Khabarovsk with lists of dead city residents, a letter of a Japanese soldier to the father of his killed comrade, Japanese propaganda lithographs and agitation posters of the Far Eastern Republic, souvenir photo albums and postcards of interventionists. Visitors to the exhibition were especially interested in the "cinema hall" where videos from the Imperial War Museum (London) and the US National Archives and Records Administration (Washington, DC) were shown.
In the year of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory the Grodekovo Museum exhibition project was opened "Shkulin. Manchurian operation.", created on the same principles as the exhibition about Khabarovsk during the Civil War.

The project is based on a collection of photographs and photo negatives taken by Khabarovsk photo correspondent N. N. Shkulin in August-September 1945 during the Manchuria military strategic offensive. By tradition, on the basis of the materials of the exhibition was prepared a catalog.
Multimedia project launched in 2020 "Priamurie and the First World War"The project includes an online catalog of the photo-documentary collection on the history of World War I and a series of historical and educational videos on the topic of the project.
In 2021, the RIO Khabarovsk Krai branch co-organized two major scientific events. In April, an interregional scientific and practical conference was held "X Grodekov Readings".The conference was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and the 75th anniversary of the Tokyo Trial of Japanese war criminals. In the conference 154 researchers took part, including 112 full-time participants and 42 absentee participants.

The theme and place of the conference are not accidental, because it was in the Far East that the defeat of militaristic Japan ended World War II, which changed the geopolitical situation in the Asia-Pacific region. The elimination of the last hotbed of war restored historical justice - South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands returned to our country, and the Russian Far East was rid of the threat of military invasion and occupation by Japan.
Within the framework of the 10th Grodekovo Readings an international round table dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Tokyo Process was held in the format of a video-conference. Participants of the round table, headed by the Chairman of the Russian Historical Society Sergey Naryshkin, discussed the importance of the Tokyo and Khabarovsk processes, focused on the experience of restoring Soviet-Japanese relations after World War II. At the round table, Mikhail Degtyarev, Acting Governor of the region, suggested holding an international forum on the 1949 Khabarovsk Process in September, which was the second major academic event organized with the participation of the RIO Khabarovsk Krai Chapter.

An international scientific and practical forum was held in September "The Khabarovsk Process: Historical Lessons and Contemporary Challenges." The forum is dedicated to the Khabarovsk trial, a trial held in Khabarovsk in 1949 against a group of former Japanese Kwantung Army soldiers accused of creating and using bacteriological weapons during World War II.
There were eight thematic platforms within the forum. RIO organized the platform "Historical and Documentary Heritage of the Khabarovsk Process". The platform was held in two formats - a panel discussion and meetings of two sections. Within the first section the leading historians from different regions of Russia and foreign countries discussed the questions connected with the World War II on the Far East and Khabarovsk process. The participants of the second section considered the history of Russian-Japanese relations and various aspects of international relations in the Asia-Pacific Region.

In the work of the site was attended by 44 people, 11 participants online, 39 listeners. Geography of participants: Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Abakan, Barnaul, Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Chita, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), China (Shijiazhuang), Republic of Korea (Seoul, Yixiang, Inchon).
*Russian Historical Society was reconstituted in the traditions of the pre-revolutionary Imperial Russian Historical Society on June 20, 2012. Its founders were 27 leading Russian educational, scientific and cultural institutions, including the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO, State Historical Museum, State Tretyakov Gallery, State Hermitage, Russian State Library and many others. Today RIO has established its branches in more than 50 regions of the country, and more than 500 individuals and more than 100 legal entities are members of RIO. According to the IIR Charter, its purpose is to unite the efforts of society, the state, scientists and history enthusiasts to form an all-Russian historical culture based on objective study, coverage and popularization of national and world history and preservation of national memory.