II Far Eastern Historical and Museum Forum in Khabarovsk, September 22-29

Khabarovsk Krai Museum named after N.I. Grodekov and the Association of Museums of Khabarovsk Krai invite you to take part in the events dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the birth of N.I. Grodekov (1843-1913), an outstanding military and statesman of the Russian Far East, orientalist, founder of the museum business in the Amur region, founder of the Amur Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. 

The Second Far Eastern Historical and Museum Forum is of scientific and practical nature. The formats of the events, united by the personality of N.I. Grodekov, will allow to touch upon a wide range of theoretical issues related to the role of outstanding personalities in the country's history, to consider how museum practice embodies the answer to the often asked question: "Does the man change his era?" 

The main events of the Forum:

September 22-23 - Public Dialogue "Personality in History vs History in Personality", 

September 22-29 - Seminar "Museum Cuisine 4.0: A Museum Named After..." (the problem of presentation of memorial collections. (the problem of presentation of memorial collections) 


September 22, 10.15-14.00 - "Heroes of Their Time and Modernity. Historical research and museum practices" - a round table dedicated to the representation of outstanding personalities of Russian history in modern historical science, museum research and exhibition and educational projects. The audience of the round table: historians, sociologists, culturologists, representatives of Russian museums.

September 22, 15.00-16.00 - presentation of the textbook "History of the Russian Far East in Modern Times (1801-1914)" (authors - O.Y. Strelova and M.I. Romanova).

September 22, 16.00-17.00 - presentation of the book by N.I. DUBININA "N.I. Grodekov - statesman and military figure of Russia".

September 22, 17.00 - opening of the exhibition "Grodekov: Time and Place. To the 180th anniversary of N.I. Grodekov" and curator's tour.

September 23, 10.00-18.00 - marathon "Grodekov. Heritage": thematic excursions and an open historical lecture at the museum for students and the general public.

Program of the event

The Forum is held with the financial support of the History of the Fatherland Foundation.


  • Association of Museums of Khabarovsk Krai,
  • Khabarovsk Krai Museum named after N.I. Grodekov,
  • Branch of the Russian Historical Society in Khabarovsk Krai. 
Shevchenko st., 11
look at the map
Mon: Day off
Tues-Whs: 10:00-18:00
Sanitation Day:
last Friday of the month
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