Main Building
Musical excursion "What a museum sounds like"
from 250₽
by appointment
![1 Обзорная. Краеведческий аспект](https://hkm.ru/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/1989/1-obzornaya.-kraevedcheskij-aspekt-370x220-c.jpg)
Main Building
Museum tour. Local history aspect
250 ₽
1 h 20 min
![2 Обзорная для всей семьи](https://hkm.ru/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/2000/2-obzornaya-dlya-vsej-semi-370x220-c.jpg)
Main Building
Museum tour for the whole family
250 ₽
1 h 20 min
![3 Экскурсия по экспозиции Лабиринты Подземья](https://hkm.ru/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/2007/3-ekskursiya-po-ekspoziczii-labirinty-podzemya-370x220-c.jpg)
Museum of Archeology
Excursion to the interactive exhibition "Labyrinths of the Underground
from 80 ₽
1 ч
![4 Как в лучших домах](https://hkm.ru/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/2017/4-kak-v-luchshih-domah-370x220-c.jpg)
Main Building
A tour of the exhibition "As in the best houses
from 150 ₽
45 min
![5 Достопримечательности Хабаровска](https://hkm.ru/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/2030/5-dostoprimechatelnosti-habarovska-370x220-c.jpg)
Outside the museum
Bus sightseeing tour "Sights of Khabarovsk
3,000 ₽ from the group
2 hours
![6 Экскурсия по залу история освоения](https://hkm.ru/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/2039/6-ekskursiya-po-zalu-istoriya-osvoeniya-370x220-c.jpg)
Main Building
Excursion at the exhibition "History of Russian development of the Amur Region in the mid 19th - early 20th centuries".
from 150 ₽
45 min
![8 Рыбы Амура](https://hkm.ru/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/2047/8-ryby-amura-370x220-c.jpg)
Main Building
Thematic tour "Fishes of the Amur"
from 150 ₽
45 min
![9 По панораме Волочаевская битва](https://hkm.ru/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/2051/9-po-panorame-volochaevskaya-bitva-370x220-c.jpg)
Main Building
Excursion on the panorama "Battle of Volochayev"
from 150 ₽
45 min
![10 инклюзивная по залу природа](https://hkm.ru/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/2058/10-inklyuzivnaya-po-zalu-priroda-370x220-c.jpg)
Main Building
Inclusive excursion "Nature of the Khabarovsk Territory"
120 ₽
1 hour
![11 Обзорная.Историчесикй аспект](https://hkm.ru/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/2062/11-obzornaya.istorichesikj-aspekt-370x220-c.jpg)
Main Building
Museum overview tour. Historical aspect.
250 ₽
1 h 20 min
![12 Оружине дальневосточных войн](https://hkm.ru/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/2069/12-oruzhine-dalnevostochnyh-vojn-370x220-c.jpg)
Main Building
Thematic tour
"Weapons of the Far Eastern Wars."
"Weapons of the Far Eastern Wars."
from 150 ₽
![13 Сережкина война](https://hkm.ru/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/2075/13-serezhkina-vojna-370x220-c.jpg)
Main Building
Museum story "Seryozhkin's War"
150 ₽
1 hour
![14 Тропой шамана](https://hkm.ru/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/2079/14-tropoj-shamana-370x220-c.jpg)
Main Building
Thematic excursion "The trail of the shaman
from 150 ₽
45 min
![15 Доисторические животные Приамурья](https://hkm.ru/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/2034/15-doistoricheskie-zhivotnye-priamurya-370x220-c.jpg)
Main Building
Thematic excursion "Prehistoric Animals of the Amur Region"
from 150 ₽
45 min
![16 гнев. торг...](https://hkm.ru/wp-content/uploads/fly-images/1993/16-gnev.-torg...-370x220-c.jpg)
Main Building
Thematic tour "USSR: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance"
from 150 ₽
45 min