The story of a single item
The inventor of the sewing machine was not Isaac Singer. But it was he who made the machine world-famous.
History of the appearance of the model of the monument to Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin in the museum by sculptor Eduard Malovinsky from Khabarovsk, and a brief tour of the exhibition dedicated to the conquest of space.
In the pre-revolutionary period, an important phenomenon in the cultural life of wealthy settlers was the presence of outlandish things in the interior, musical instruments or self-playing instruments.
In this video you will learn about one of the most interesting artifacts from the collections of the Grodekov Museum. This video you will learn about one of the most interesting artifacts in the collections of the N.I. Grodekov Museum - a sword from the Nizhnetambov burial ground.
This accessory has firmly established its "aristocratic" reputation. And it all started in the 17th century at the court of the French King Louis XIV.
When choosing a perfume in the store, you hardly think about the way the perfume ware has gone. In ancient times, people used animal teeth and horns to preserve aromatic liquids.