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Every year, the museum's research staff undertakes expeditions to collect materials for a deeper study of a certain topic. This unique experience is transformed into scientific works, allows us to update and clarify previously collected information, and becomes an inspiring stimulus for creating unique museum products.

Биджан 6.-min

In 2019, a new settlement of the Paleometallic period (1 millennium BC - beginning of the 1st millennium AD) was found on one of the rivers of the Ungun river in the Lenin district of the EAD. In total about thirty ancient dwelling pits of different sizes - from two to twelve meters in diameter - have been counted.

Field season 2018. Monument "Bidzhan-4"

In the course of the work, we received a variety of material relating to a new, previously unknown ceramic complex from the 7th-6th millennium B.C.

Field Season 2018. Rucheski Monument

but note 10 clay beads and a small cup, as well as a large number of animal bone remains, which, as a rule, poorly preserved in the soils of the Amur region.

Field work at Bolshoi Khekhtsir. 2017 г.

One of the richest in objects of cultural heritage is the Bykova River, where to date 4 settlements have been found. In the 2017 season, a small archaeological excavation was laid at the site of one small utility pit.

Field season 2017. Jewish Autonomous Region.

Kyushu University and the University of Tokyo conducted a joint archaeological survey in the Oktyabrsky and Leninsky municipal districts of the Jewish Autonomous Region.

Field season 2017. Monument "The settlement of Petropavlovka-5. Dirt Burial Ground-1".

All materials received will be transferred to the collections of the Museum of Archaeology after the processing and creation of the Field Report.

ФОТО 13.-min
Field season 2017. Dropha graveyard.

As a result of the work, an area of about 250 square meters was surveyed.

Field Season 2016.

The excavations suggest that large-scale excavations at this settlement may increase both the volume of finds and their quality.

Shevchenko st., 11
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Mon: Day off
Tues-Whs: 10:00-18:00
Sanitation Day:
last Friday of the month
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