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V. K. Arsenyev Collection

The museum keeps items, finds, brought by V.K. Arseniev from expeditions, the photodocumentary fund contains materials describing the preparatory, expeditionary and post-expeditionary works of the researcher.

Among the 80 items of culture of the indigenous peoples of the Amur region collected
V.K. Arseniev, most of it belongs to the Udege people. Of particular value are items of their material and spiritual culture:

  • Ornamented housewares made of birch bark and wood.
  • Hunting and fishing gear.
  • Traditional clothing.
  • Collection on shamanism - cult sculpture, masks, tambourines and other paraphernalia.

During his expeditions in Priamurye and Primorye, Arseniev discovered and photographed archeological monuments and gathered collections of artifacts. One of the most famous works of Vladimir Klavdievich on the territory of Khabarovsk is a protective excavation of the burial ground on the construction line of the Amur railway bridge.

The collections from these excavations, held in the Museum of Archaeology, date back to the early medieval (Jurchen era). They include:

  • Bone remains.
  • Arrowheads.
  • Nails and a unique armor made of iron plates.

After the expedition of 1907, the funds of the museum were replenished with herbarium sheets. Bird carcasses belong to the results of the expedition of 1908-1910, kept in the collection besides the herbarium sheets. During his expeditions, the hydrographic network was studied in detail and the cartography of the region was compiled.

Part of the documents included in the photodocumentary fund describes the activities of V.K. Arsenyev as director of the Khabarovsk Krai Museum.

In this section you will learn about unique exhibits, which are represented only in Khabarovsk Krai Museum.

Shevchenko st., 11
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Mon: Day off
Tues-Whs: 10:00-18:00
Sanitation Day:
last Friday of the month
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