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Reading Together. Podcast series. Meetings in the Taiga

V.K. Arsenyev. Traveler and writer.
First a traveler, then a writer.

    Hiking for V. K. Arseniev was a vocation and service. All his life he dreamed of and realized them. Hiking - his main passion. Nowhere and never did he feel so free as in the taiga.

    It was the travels, the hiking conditions, the expeditionary environment that became both the material for his books and the source of the creative process itself. The second vocation is not easy, not immediately realized, was given no less mental strength than the campaigns and scientific research. Each of his books Vladimir Klavdievich lived.

    And we invite you on a journey through the taiga with V.K. Arsenyev.

    Book chapters "Meetings in the Taiga." The reading is done by the employees of the Grodekovo Museum, Marina Izmailova and Yuri Belkin.

    "A tornado at sea" reads Yuri Belkin

    "The Beastmaster's Tale" by Marina Izmaylova

    "A Forest Legend" read by Marina Izmaylova

    "In the Village of the Orochi" reads Yuri Belkin

    "The Bird Bazaar" reads Yuri Belkin

    "Scary Beast" reads Yuri Belkin

    "Fish Owl" reads Marina Izmaylova

    "Ball Lightning" reads Marina Izmailova

Shevchenko st., 11
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Mon: Day off
Tues-Whs: 10:00-18:00
Sanitation Day:
last Friday of the month
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