The museum store is not open for technical reasons.

# ArsenyevNash in BROSKO MALL

September 10, on the day of the 150th anniversary of Vladimir Arseniev in the commune Brosko Mall launched a unique intellectual and entertainment project #ArsenevNash!

Organizer - Khabarovsk Krai Museum named after N.I. Grodekov. N.I. Grodekov.

Partners of the project - FBSL, Sovkino, Theatre of the Young Spectator, Navolochkin Library, KDD "Rus".

#ArsenevNash is a holiday for the whole family, designed to bring Khabarovsk residents and guests closer to the famous explorer, traveler, writer, great romantic and enthusiast, whose biography is closely intertwined with our native Far East.

The program includes a non-Lecture "Who are you, Arsenyev?", a concert program "Sorode, andasali", a traveling exhibition "Vladimir Arsenyev. Through the Taiga", postcrossing and heppening, master classes, a quest, a cinema, a cinema lecture, theatrical performances and much more!

The # ArsenyevNash concert opened with "Sorode, andasali," which translates as "Hello, friends! The best groups of Khabarovsk, combining modern and traditional styles, in the language of dance and music, introduced the culture of the indigenous peoples of the Far East!

After the musical opening ceremony, there was a non-lecture "Who are you, Arseniev? It was a non-academic conversation about Vladimir Arsenyev - his biography, family, expeditions, books and ideas of the explorer and traveler.

For many people Vladimir Klavdievich is known not only as a researcher and scientist. After all, no less significant is his writing role. Books "Dersu Uzala", "Meetings in the Taiga", "Through the Taiga" became a real guide to the world of expeditions and inspired readers to travel. At the "BOOKSTART. Let's start with Arseniev!" the funds of the Far East State Scientific Library presented a book-illustrative exhibition "V.. K. Arsenyev: the golden fund of Russian literature" with a complete printed collection of Vladimir Arsenyev's works!

And at the blitz-excursions to the exhibition "Vladimir Arsenyev. Through the Taiga," employees of the Grodekovo Museum told about the collections Arsenyev brought back from his expeditions and his "museum" period of life.

For those who are already familiar with the creative achievements of the scientist and researcher - held a literary quest "Arseniev with us," where you can test your knowledge and win unique prizes!

A creative laboratory was opened for the young guests of the festival: master classes, quizzes, as well as a board game "The Tiger's Path" and a local history bingo "All Khabarovsk Territory". They took home not only knowledge, but also new skills and gifts made with their own hands.

Are you familiar with the term "happening"? It is a process that has no rehearsed script and is more like improvisation, in which both artists and spectators take part. Whether you've already participated in the process or are hearing about it for the first time, at a "Comet. Tiger. Flood. Storm" is a brand new emotion and experience. And they were given by talented artists of the theater of young viewers Dmitry Dyachkov, Sergey Martynov, Alexei Melnikov, who read chapters from the story "Dersu Uzala" by Vladimir Arsenyev.

On this day, the art space of Kommuny also turned into a cinema, where they watched and discussed the film "Dersu Uzala" by the cult Japanese director Akira Kurasawa, which won many awards and an Oscar. A film lecture was held before the film screening, and master classes were held during the film screening.

# ArsenyevNash was not only an exciting holiday for Khabarovsk residents and guests of the city, but also gave the idea of an interesting gift to those who like to collect unique postcards. On this day we held a postcrossing action - cancellation of a postcard for the 150th anniversary of Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev, issued by the Grodekov Museum.

Program of the event

Shevchenko st., 11
look at the map
Mon: Day off
Tues-Whs: 10:00-18:00
Sanitation Day:
last Friday of the month
Buy tickets