Field seasons 2016-2018. Monument "The settlement of Petropavlovka-5. Dirt Burial Ground-1".

In the period from 2016 to 2018, the staff of NILAiP carried out work on the monument Petropavlovka. Settlement-5. Dirt Burial Ground-1, located on Snake Island, near the village of Petropavlovka, Khabarovsk Municipal District, Khabarovsk Territory. 

About 60 sq.m. were uncovered at the monument. As a result of the works, ceramic materials relating to the Paleometallic (1st millennium BC - first half of the 1st millennium AD) and Neolithic of the Amur region (6th millennium BC - 5th millennium BC) periods were obtained.

Among the finds are two nearly intact vessels of the Paleometallic era and one of the Condonian Neolithic culture.

During the excavations, four samples of coal were taken for radiocarbon dating, as well as three samples of soil for flotation.

The excavations also revealed a cluster of bones (along with a hog skull), possibly the redeposited remains of a funerary tribunal.

Shevchenko st., 11
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Mon: Day off
Tues-Whs: 10:00-18:00
Sanitation Day:
last Friday of the month
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