Development of the Khabarovsk Territory 1923-1953.
The beginning of the 1920s in the Far East is associated with the establishment of new institutions of power, the restoration of the economy and the creation of conditions for further development.
The exhibition opens with an artistic canvas of Khabarovsk in the 1920s and a set of materials reflecting the demolition of the old way of life and the beginning of radical reorganization of the state and society (a destroyed church with a dropped bell as if giving way to a propaganda rostrum).
In 1922, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was formed. The Far Eastern Republic became part of the USSR as the Far Eastern Region with its center in Khabarovsk. In 1926 Far Eastern Region was formed. In 1938 most of the Far Eastern territories were included in Khabarovsk Region. The administrative-territorial division of the country is shown on the map of the USSR within the borders of 1938.
At the turn of 1920-1930-ies on the Far Eastern borders the situation remained tense because of the aggression of Japan and China. As a result of armed conflicts on the CEL (1929), Lake Khasan (1938) and the Khalkhin-Gol River (1939) the enemies of the USSR were completely defeated. The unique photographs, documents and personal belongings of the participants of the events, such as the album of the 5th Red Banner Army, talk about these events.

Particular attention is paid to the Russian emigration in China. In the interior of the "Harbin Club", an "island" of pre-revolutionary Russia is reproduced.

The exhibits of the section devoted to the 1930s tell about forced industrialization: construction of new industrial complexes, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Stakhanov and Khetagurov movements, as well as about forced collectivization of peasants, about national policy (in the complex about formation of the Jewish Autonomous Region, repressions of the 1930s).
At the same time tragic and heroic period - the Great Patriotic War - the next section of the exposition is dedicated. Residents of the region worked at defense enterprises, built tanks and planes at their own expense, collected parcels for the front. On the participation of soldiers from the Far East in the defeat of Nazi Germany and militaristic Japan visitors are told about the photo-documentary materials, as well as samples of weapons and uniforms, taken in the battles trophies.
The exposition story about the history of the region is completed by the complex "Correctional labor camp", which tells about the activities of the GULAG system in the Khabarovsk region. In 1953 with the death of Stalin a new stage in the history of the region begins.