The museum store is not open for technical reasons.


January 31
1 hour
Main Building
at the request of

Museum professionals

  • Workshops.
    As part of staff retraining and advanced training, Grodekovo Museum annually holds seminars and workshops devoted to current museum issues ("Problems of Safety and Preservation of Museum Collections at the Municipal Museum", "Ways to Improve Cultural and Educational Work", "Exhibition - Territory of Creativity", etc.). The specialists not only from Grodekovo museum but also from the leading museums of Moscow and St. Petersburg are involved for carrying out the courses and workshops. A new form of workshops is the project "Museum Kitchen" (link to the website page with information about the museum kitchen).
  • Individual internship for employees of municipal museums of the region at the Grodekovo Museum.
    An individual program is developed depending on the purpose of the internship, supervised and selected methodological literature.
  • Individual consultations of museum staff on issues of interest to them with the issuance of methodological materials.
  • Field consultations.
    Employees of Grodekovo's methodological department travel to museums in municipalities to participate in various training events, round tables and master classes in order to provide advisory assistance.

Information by phone: +7 (4212) 477-178, Methodology Department


  • Consultations of researchers and specialists of the museum's stock departments.
    In the structure of the museum there are five research and five fund departments, their specialists conduct research in different directions and on different topics, describe and study different collections of the museum collection. Researchers can seek advice in their area of expertise.

History Research Department: +7 (4212) 477-210
Research Ethnography Sector: +7 (4212) 477-215
Research sector of the history of culture and art of the Far East: +7 (4212) 477-216
Nature Research Department: +7 (4212) 477-214
Fund departments, chief curator: +7 (4212) 477-123

  • Providing copies and photographs of documents and items from the museum's collection for use in work and further publication.
    Work with the collection takes place after an official request to the head of the museum, copies/photos are provided for a fee on the basis of the list of paid services or on other terms.

Phone information: +7 (4212) 477-123

Students of universities and colleges

  • Educational practice.
    Every year the Grodekovo Museum is used by students of fine arts, arts and crafts, national history, culturology, museology, socio-cultural service and tourism, etc., who study at the museum.

Information by phone: +7 (4212) 477-178, Methodology Department

Shevchenko st., 11
look at the map
Mon: Day off
Tues-Whs: 10:00-18:00
Sanitation Day:
last Friday of the month
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