Exhibition and educational project "Flying Flowers"
The world of insects is fabulously varied in form and rich in color, and butterflies are the most amazingly beautiful and noticeable in nature. Russian writer S.T. Aksakov, a subtle observer of nature and soulful lyricist, owned the words: "A butterfly is the best, most graceful of all. It is truly a "fluttering flower," or painted with wonderful bright colors, shining with gold, silver and mother-of-pearl, or mottled with indefinable colors and patterns, no less beautiful and attractive.
The exhibition "Flying Flowers", dedicated to the daytime butterflies (otherwise known as club-footed scales) immerses the visitor in a special atmosphere of beauty and awakens in him a full and strong aesthetic experience (joy, delight, a sense of harmony, fantasy, inspiration, etc.). One of the visitors aptly remarked that a butterfly exhibition is essentially like a field of flowers.
The museum collection includes a unique collection of moths, the result of many years of acquisition and research work of several generations of scientists. The collection of moths in the Grodekovo Museum's collection consists of about five thousand items. The exhibition features over one thousand specimens of moths, collected between 1973 and 2001 by I.G. Klykov. I.G. Klykov, E.V. Novomodny, V.Ya. Fyodorov and E.G. Chulkov. The collection of butterflies became the exposition basis of the exhibition. Scientific processing and preparation for the exhibition was carried out by the museum researcher E. V. Novomodny. Traditionally and naturally they are grouped according to the commonality of distribution and biological affinity.
In addition to butterflies delighting with their diversity, photographs, documents, books, minerals, badges and stamps with the image of butterflies, samples of entomologist's equipment, the visitor gets acquainted with works of decorative and applied art of indigenous peoples of Priamurye and APR from the ethnographic collection of the museum. Unique patterns of decorative-applied art of Ulcha people and Chinese with a characteristic for the Eastern beliefs benevolent image of a butterfly are of great interest. Here are items of clothing, household items (robe, belt, carpet), and porcelain dishes and works made in the technique of cloisonné enamel.
One of the exhibition windows is devoted to the subject of collecting insects, a hobby, inevitably associated with science, and Khabarovsk amateur collectors: I.G. Klykov, A.V. Maslov, E.G. Chulkov, V.Ya. The exhibition presents books on entomology in different languages from the collection of I.G. Klykov, items of scientific equipment, samples of stamps, envelopes, badges, postcards and calendars with the image of a butterfly.
The exhibition was conceived as a space for interactive programs and contains several "educational" zones; visitors are involved in the process of independent exploration of butterflies by simple methods of cognition, tactile and visual ways. All of the play areas involve three-dimensional models showing a particular moment in the life of a butterfly. The exhibition is designed for children and family audience: after all, according to Leo Tolstoy, "children should live in a world of beauty, play, fairy tale, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity," and the wings of creativity give knowledge.
During the visit to the exhibition, the visitors get acquainted with the world of butterflies and find answers to the following questions: how a butterfly appears, how it adapts to its habitat, at what time of the year it flies, migrates, learn about the origin of species names, etc. In all play areas there are three-dimensional models, conveying a particular moment in the life of a butterfly. Layouts are easy to use, aesthetically appealing, and meet their intended functions. The play space also contains accompanying texts written in a language accessible to the visitor. For example, the stages of development-transformation of a scale-fly from an egg to an adult insect can be traced by turning the mosaic elements over in turn and assembling the image of a complete butterfly from them. By rotating the "drum" with the images of seasons repeating one another, the visitor gets acquainted with the images of moths flying in Khabarovsk Territory in "their own time" - early and late spring, early, mid and late summer, early and late autumn, respectively. It is often possible to observe the joy of recognition, which visitors to the exhibition feel when they see butterflies, which they met in Khabarovsk or its suburbs. Looking at the scales on a butterfly's wing under a microscope, children and adults realize the meaning of the term "scales".
In addition, in the exposition space on small suspended structures there are texts with interesting facts about the life of flies, which undoubtedly expands the circle of knowledge of the visitor about butterflies.
The exhibition "Flying Flowers" was exhibited in Khabarovsk (2017-2018) and in Komsomolsk-on-Amur (2019). In 2020, the exhibition was adapted to the space of the Children's Museum, where it continues its work to the present day, invariably attracting the attention of the children's audience.