Presentation of the "Historians on Historians" lecture series
May 12, 2023 in Grodekovo Museum a meeting-dialogue was held between the General Director of the museum, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Historical Society in Khabarovsk Krai I. V. Krukov and the students of the Department of History, Faculty of Oriental Studies and History Pedagogical Institute of ТОГУ.
The meeting included a presentation of the lecture series "Historians about Historians", dedicated to the biographies of prominent representatives of historical science of the Khabarovsk Territory of the XX-XXI centuries. The series of lectures is a joint project of the Grodekov Museum and the Russian Historical Society. The lecture series "Historian about Historians" is held in connection with the Decree of the President of Russia on declaring 2023 the Year of the Teacher and Mentor.
In addition, as part of the dialogue, Ivan Vladimirovich spoke about the History Department of the Pedagogical Institute, a graduate of which he is (at that time - FESTU), and about the role of history education at the present time.
Victor Alexeyevich Shalai, a graduate of the Department of History of the Far Eastern State University (at present - FEFU), director of the Museum of History of the Far East named after V. K. Arsenyev was an honorary guest of the meeting.
The lecture program will be published later. Stay tuned.