Grodekovo Museum held a webinar for heads of school museums

December 21

On December 21, 2022, the sector of scientific and methodological work together with the Cultural and Educational Center of the N.I. Grodekov Art Museum of Khabarovsk Krai organized and held a webinar "Creation of a School Museum, Museum Room, Memory Corner. Legal Basics of Passportization" (within the "Package of Measures to Develop School Museums for the period from 2022 to 2024") for heads of school museums and museum rooms of educational institutions of Khabarovsk Krai.

Teachers and heads of school museums, deputy directors of educational institutions took an active part in the webinar. The webinar was moderated by Svetlana Zyl, leading methodologist of the scientific and methodical work of the N.I. Grodekov State Museum of Fine Arts.

Galina O. Davydova, senior methodologist of the Center for Children and Youth Tourism, Local History and Recreation for Children and their Health, told about the legal framework for passportization of school museums.

Svetlana Andreevna Vavilina, head of the Cultural and Educational Center of the N.I. Grodekov Art Museum, took part in the online seminar as a speaker. Her speech was devoted to the experience of organizing excursion activity in the museum, aimed at achieving methodical goals in the work with the school audience.

From the Regional Center for Children's and Youth Tourism KGAOI DO "Center for Creative Development of Children (Regional Model Center for Additional Education of Children of Khabarovsk region)" Senior Methodologist Denisenko Elena made a report on "Methodological support of school museums of Khabarovsk region.

Methodists Olga Nikolaevna Ponomareva and Elena Mikhailovna Krasnikova spoke about the experience of the Children and Youth Center "Search" in Khabarovsk. Their reports were devoted to the creation of school museums and practical experience of school museums in the organization of social activities, education of civic and patriotic position of students.

Webinar participants noted the relevance and timeliness of the issues addressed, expressed gratitude for their assistance in organizing school museums, museum rooms and corners, as well as methodological support for the development of school museums.

Grodekovsky Museum in 2023 will continue the series of webinars "Methodological Support for School Museums" in the online format, and invites teachers-organizers of the museum movement from general educational institutions of the Khabarovsk region to participate.

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