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"Far Eastern Historical and Museum Forum" began its work at the Grodekovo Museum

May 23

Historians and museum professionals from various regions from Moscow to Magadan met in Khabarovsk. "The Far Eastern Historical and Museum Forum" began its work at the Grodekovo Museum.
The forum is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the end of the Civil War in Russia. It was made possible by winning a competition for projects of the History of the Fatherland Foundation of the Russian Historical Society.

Grodekovo Museum and the Association of Museums of Khabarovsk Krai jointly hold this landmark event for the museum and scientific communities of the region in a full-time format. According to the organizers' plan, the forum will include two parts:

Scientific session "The Civil War in Russia: from study to comprehension".

Session moderator: Doctor of History of the Fatherland Foundation Deputy Executive Director, leading researcher of the Center of Military History of Russia of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) Roman Gagkuev.

The scientific session on May 26-27, 2022 will include: "Plenary Session and Roundtable on Problems and New Approaches to Studying the Events of 1918-1922"; Foresight Session "The Civil War in Russia: From Study to Reflection" and a series of public lectures on the history of the Civil War in the Far East.

Seminar "Museum Cuisine 3.0" for employees of museums of the Far East.

The week-long intensive "Keepers of Memory" will be devoted to methods of research work with museum exhibits (documents, photographs, objects), methods of work with oral history as a special type of evidence about the past, modern techniques and ways of their exhibition presentation. The topic of the workshop is "Research and Presentation of a Documentary Collection. Museum View 2022.

From May 23-29, 2022, 50 museum professionals from all over the Far East and the leading museum experts from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh and Irkutsk will come to Khabarovsk. Seminar moderator: Leonid Kopylov (St. Petersburg) - Program Director of the Association "Project "Culture", researcher of the Museum Agency of the Leningrad Region, museum expert.

More photos from the event are available here - See

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