Exhibition "Atlas of Tibetan Medicine. The Ancient Secrets of Longevity

August 12 at 15.00 opened the exhibition of a unique monument "Atlas of Tibetan Medicine. Ancient Secrets of Longevity" (copies) from the funds of the National Museum of the Republic of Buryatia.
The Atlas of Tibetan Medicine, kept in the collections of the National Museum of the Republic of Buryatia, is the only complete copy of the Tibetan original of the 17th century. The significance of the Atlas of Tibetan Medicine, created in Tibet in the 17th century, for modern civilization can hardly be overestimated. It vividly illustrates the millennia-long tradition of healing, formed on the basis of the synthesis of knowledge of the East and Hellenistic medicine. The atlas allows everyone to penetrate the spirit and philosophy of Oriental medicine, showing modern man the path leading to health and longevity.
The exhibition presents forty high-precision insurance copies of the Atlas sheets, made in 2020 with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia. The 40 paintings-illustrations contain drawings revealing the content of the subject of Tibetan medicine - theory, basics of clinical medicine, methods of treatment, information about the ethics of a doctor, training of medical personnel, etc.
The exhibition dates are August 12 through October 2, 2022.
Age limit 18+