Events in Grodekovo Museum available for purchase with Pushkin Card
January 9 14.00 - Tour of the exhibition "In Search of the Blue Bird"
January 10 14.00 - Excursion to the exposition "Nature of the Amur River Basin"
January 14 14.00 - Tour of the exhibition "In Search of the Blue Bird"
January 15 14.00 - Excursion to the exhibition "In Search of the Blue Bird"
January 16 14.00 - Excursion to the exhibition "Porcelain and Time"
January 17 14.00 - Excursion to the exposition Traditional Culture of Indigenous Peoples of Khabarovsk Krai
January 21 14.00 - Excursion to the exposition "Development of Priamurye by Russia"
January 22 14.00 - Excursion to the exposition "Development of Khabarovsk Krai in 1923-1953".
January 23 14.00 - Excursion to the exposition "Civil War in the Far East"
January 24 14.00 - Excursion to the exhibition "Porcelain and Time"
January 28 14.00 - Excursion to the exhibition "In Search of the Blue Bird"
January 29 14.00 - Excursion to the exhibition "Porcelain and Time"
January 30 14.00 - Excursion to the exhibition "Porcelain and Time"
At the moment, it is only possible to buy an electronic ticket using the Pushkin Card. You can buy a ticket online in advance or just before your visit.