Lecture hall "Historians about historians"

Nov. 13

On November 13, 2023 in the conference room of the museum a lecture was held within the framework of the lecture "Historians about historians".

In her speech, Marina Ibrahimovna Romanova, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Pedagogy and History of TOGU, told about Mikhail Ivanovich Svetachev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of FEFDGU, the brightest follower and disciple of A.L. Narochnitsky. The lecture highlighted the main milestones of Mikhail Ivanovich's life, his research and professional achievements.

Mikhail Ivanovich actively developed historical science in Khabarovsk, prepared scientific and pedagogical staff for higher education, participated in the development of the Faculty of History. In her story Marina Ibragimovna relied not only on archival materials, but also on her personal experience of communication and work with Mikhail Ivanovich.

The lecture was attended by students of school No. 38, where Mikhail Ivanovich studied, as well as students of the 3rd and 5th courses of the Higher School of Pedagogy and History of TOGU.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, one of the largest experts on the history of intervention and civil war in the Far East, an excellent lecturer and a talented teacher, a widely educated man and a patriot of his Fatherland - this is how his colleagues and students remember Mikhail Ivanovich.

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Mon: Day off
Tues-Whs: 10:00-18:00
Sanitation Day:
last Friday of the month
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