Round table "Soviet Far East in 1941-1945: Front and rear (memory of descendants)
May 4, 2023 in the Far East State Academy of Physical Culture was held a round table "Soviet Far East in 1941-1945: front and rear (memory of descendants)", dedicated to the 78th anniversary of the Great Victory. The round table was organized by the Academy of Physical Culture, Grodekov Museum and Russian Historical Society (RHS).
Before the opening of the event for the students of FESAFC scientific secretary of the Grodekov Museum Y.V. Belkin conducted a tour of the exhibition "Shkulin. Manchuria operation. Demonstration of the exhibition stands with photos from the collection of military photographer N.N. Shkulin took place in the hall of the Academy.
The round table began with opening remarks by I. V. Kryukov, General Director of the Grodekov Museum, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Chairman of the Board of the RIO Khabarovsk Krai Chapter. Representatives of the scientific community and experts dealing with the issues of regional history, teachers and students of Khabarovsk universities made presentations to the student audience of FESAFC.
According to the program of the round table, the following speakers were heard:
- Averina Anna Nikolaevna, head of the research department of the history of the N.I. Grodekov Art Museum (report "Visual agitation and propaganda during the Great Patriotic War. On the materials of the collection of the Grodekov Museum");
- Belkin Yuri Vyacheslavovich, Scientific Secretary of the N.I. Grodekov Art Museum (report "Shkulin. Manchurian operation: the experience of the exhibition catalog");
- Belenkina Natalia Yurievna, 1st year student of Khabarovsk State Institute of Culture (report "Archive Service of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)");
- Tatyana Yevgenyevna Vostrukhina, 1st year student of Khabarovsk State Institute of Culture (report "Archive Service of Khabarovsk Krai during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)");
- Dovgan Pavel Maksimovich, 1st year student of the Far East State Academy of Physical Culture (report "The hero of my family is the hero of my country");
- Tatyana Kirpichenko, chief librarian of the Department of Regional Studies, DVGNB (report "Review of printed and electronic publications issued in Khabarovsk Krai and other subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District on the theme "The Soviet Far East in 1941-1945");
- Potapov Anton Andreevich, Master's student of the Far Eastern State University of Railway Transport (report "The road in 1000 li: from Stalingrad to Manchuria");
- Prudnikova Olga Alexandrovna, 4th year student of Pedagogical Institute of Talnakh State University (report "Interaction of the Far Eastern rear and the front during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)");
- Slivko Stanislav Vadimovich, Associate Professor at the Pedagogical Institute of ТОГУ, Candidate of Historical Sciences (report "Participants of the Civil War in the Far East in the events of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)");
- Khabarova Alisa Dmitrievna, a 5th year student of Pedagogical Institute of ТОГУ (report "Khabarovsk State Pedagogical Institute during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)").